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Charlottenborg Kunsthal:
Spring Exhibiton 2016
10/03/2016 - 17/04/2016
I am exhibiting: "Blue legs" Birgitte Christens, year 2015
93 cm,43 cm, 26,5 cm Stoneware
The Spring Exhibition is an open, juried exhibition that has been an annual recurring event at Kunsthal Charlottenborg’s programme for 159 years. The Spring Exhibition is organized by Charlottenborg Fonden.
The Spring Exhibition 2016 presents artists from throughout the world. Many are from Denmark and Northern Europe, but artists from countries like South Korea, Japan, Puerto Rico, Brazil and Colombia are also behind some of the exhibited works from the fields of visual art, architecture and design.
As mentioned by jury member Thorsten Sadowsky in the exhibition catalogue, it is evident that the current refugee debate has left a significant mark on the visual arts. Obviously, the pressing issues also play a role in this year’s juried exhibition. Themes such as escape, migration, borders, memory and oblivion recur in many of the very different works presented in The Spring Exhibition 2016.
Participating Artists
A total of 818 artists submitted works for The Spring Exhibition 2016. Of these, 117 were invited to show a total of 177 works. The participating artists are:
ALPH (DK), Thomas Altheimer (DK/MX), Louka Anargyros (FR), Ana Rita Antonio (PT/NO), Grant Aston (UK), Christina Augustesen (DK), Sergio Augusto (SE), Yinon Avior (IL), Malte Bartsch / Markus Hoffmann (DE), Avon Bashida (DK/US), Anita Beikpour (DK), Hampus Berndtson (DK), Louise Betsholtz / Maja Hvidtfeldt Håkansson / Maria Kristoffersen / Amanda Lyngesen / Tobias E. F. Sandberg / Troels Skov-Carlsen (DK), Claus Bjerre (DK), Lotte Maja Bjerre (DK), Henrik Bo (DK), Sidsel Nielsen Bonde (DK), Trine Bork (DK), Giulia Bowinkel / Friedemann Banz (DE), Christian Bruun (DK), Emelie Carlén (SE), Carin Carlsson (SE), Robert Cervera (ES/UK), Julie Hviid Cetti (DK), Birgitte Christens (DK), Jasmina Cibic (SI/UK), Nuala Clooney (UK), Mary Ann Cvahte (DK), Øystein Dahlstrøm (NO), Frederikke Dalum (DK), Annette Dam (DK), Johan Deckmann (DK), Rickard Ljungdahl Eklund (SE), Erno Enkenberg (FI), Caspar Eric / Antonio Gram (DK), Cathrine Ertmann (DK), Maria Bang Espersen (DK), Simon Fensholm (DK), Mie Frederikke Fischer / Margaux Parillaud (FR/DK), Lasse Gam Folke (DK), Kåre Leander Ringling Frang (DK), Hanne G (DK), Aase Seidler Gernes (DK), Gilbert Gordon (DK), Marija Griniuk (LT/DK), Edgar Haldane (IN), Anne Brandhøj Hansen (DK), Melissa Henderson (SE), Henrik Hentschel (DE/CH), Iben Høj (DK), Mendy Howe (PH/UK), Yuanyuan Huang (CN/DE), Carl Emil Jacobsen (DK), Peter Johansson (SE), Mathias Kessler (US), Jiwon Kim (KR), Melanie Kitti (SE), Kasper Friis Kjeldgaard (DK), Christian Klintholm (DK), Thiemo Kloss (DE), Esmeralda Kosmatopoulos (US), Daisuke Kosugi (JP/NO), Sofia Kouloukouri (CH), Søren Krag (DK), Emma Krantz (SE), Maya Lahmy (DK), Diana Lerrea (ES), Sanghyeok Lee (KR/DE), Søren Lilholt (DK), Jessica MacMillan (US), Tyler Mallison (US/UK), Sebastian Mejia (CO/DE), Julia Mejnertsen (DK), Ellen Möckel (DE), Ellen Karin Mæhlum (NO), Dorte Naomi (DK), Achilles Nasios (SE), Janne Nes (NO), Mette Norrie (DK), Nicholas Norris (US/DE), Carolina Nylund (SE/MX), Litten Nystrøm (DK/IS), Frederik Næblerød / Casper Aguila Christoffersen (DK), Morten Sylvest Nøhr (DK), Sarah Oakman (DK), Lucas Odahara (BR/DE), Marie Louise Omme (US), Lorna Otero (PR), Jonas Palm (DK), Steven Pedersen (US), Lærke Posselt (DK), Marco Philipsen Prahm (DK), Jesper Bo Rasmussen (DK), Franziska Reinbothe (DE), Gabriel Rico (MX), Karin von Schantz (DK), Franz Schmidt (DE), Susanne Schwieter (DE), Ida Settergren (DK), Hedvig Skjerdingstad (NO/DK), Maria Sparre-Petersen (DK), Yngvild Sæter (NO), Ada Bligaard Søby (DK), Jeppe Søndergaard (DK), Rune Bering Sørensen / Rune Noël (DK), Bolette Søs (DK), Kenichiro Taniguchi (JP), Emilie Thalund (DK), Martin Thaulow (DK), Charlotte Thrane (DK), Tomas Thøfner (DK), Mogens Ulderup (DK), Mirimari Väyrynen (FI), Filip Vest (DK), Lotte Westphael (DK), Jonas Paul Wilisch (DE), Lene Wolters (DK) and Maikie Macleod Worning (DK).
Jury and Awards
The works in The Spring Exhibition 2016 have been selected by an international jury comprised of the artist FOS (DK), artist Molly Haslund (DK), architect Anders Abraham (DK), designer Anton Alvarez (SE) and curator Thorsten Sadowsky (CH).
As well as selecting the works, the jury has also nominated ten artists for this year’s two jury awards: the national solo award and the international solo award. This year’s winners will be publically announced during speeches on the opening night. The solo awards are accompanied by an invitation to exhibit in their own room at The Spring Exhibition next year.
Solo Exhibitions 2016
This year’s solo exhibitions have been created by the solo award winners of 2015. The furniture designer Maria Bruun and the architect Anne Dorthe Vester’s work FRAGMENT represents the national solo exhibition. For the international solo exhibition, the German artist Marlon Wobst shows a series of paintings titled Twister.
Organisation and Supporting Bodies
This year’s exhibition has been generously supported by: Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Dreyers Fond, Statens Kunstfond, L. F. Foghts Fond, Augustinus Fonden, 15. Juni Fonden, Knud Højgaards Fond, Aage og Johanne Louis-Hansens Fond and Københavns Billedkunstudvalg.
The exhibition is accompanied by a free catalogue with a survey of all the participating artists, a statement by the jury, as well as a citation for the choice of the jury award winners in The Spring Exhibition 2016.

EKWC-The Netherlands:
Body Parts
18/06/2015 - 11/09/2015
At EKWC- european ceramic work centre in the Netherlands.
I worked for three months to create life sizes body parts.
I wanted to understand gravity and techniques when you have to make huge sculptures in clay.
The risk af faillure is much higher compared to when you work with small clay objects.
You have to control: Building process, anatomy, estetic, no cracks, no air bubbles, control an even drying process very slow for weeks.
Control the firing and deformation during the heat: 33 hours firing. Cool down slow. Open the kiln after 44 hours. Make a glaze that fits the big surfaces, avoid uneveness and bubbles etc.
​I did three main different techniques:
1) I hand modelled a human in the yoga position shoulder stand-Queen pose in rough stoneware painted in black terra sigillata.
2) My body was covered in plaster sheets to make a press mould added with jute to make a strong mould.
3) I made a 3D scan of my body added 11% in the computer, due to shrinkage of the clay. To make a press mould with fluid plaster, which makes it very strong for many replicas.